1pm, Sun 30 April – British Library
“In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue…” But turning the traditional narrative on its head, Caroline Dodds Pennock looks at the thousands of Aztecs, Maya, Tononacs, Inuit and more who went on to “discover” Europe in the years that followed. From enslaved people and servants to explorers, traders and diplomats, these Indigenous Americans crossed the Atlantic to find lands both exotic and baffling. Their stories of abduction, appropriation and loss offer startling insights into a key moment in global history, when the Old World first encountered the New. In this fascinating event, Dr Dodds Pennock discusses some of their extraordinary tales with Dr Adam Rutherford – from the Brazilian King presented at the court of Henry VIII to the Inuit spearsmen found harpooning ducks on the River Avon.
Included in the weekend and Sunday passes. Individual tickets: In-person £10 / online £5

This event is kindly supported by the Eccles Centre for American Studies