Meet the Trans Romans with Cheryl Morgan
7.30pm, Thurs 17 June
It is common to see claims that being transgender is a modern phenomenon, but there is plenty of evidence that gender transition took place in ancient Rome. Cheryl Morgan will look at how and why Romans changed gender, and introduce some who did, including members of the Imperial family.
Cheryl Morgan is a co-chair of OutStories Bristol and a regular speaker on the LGBT+ History Month circuit. As a expert in trans history, she has written for venues such as Notches, History Matters, and the CUCD Bulletin. Her work has also appeared in Introduction to Transgender Studies (Ardel Haefele-Thomas) and the SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies (Abbie E Goldberg & Genny Beemyn).
This is an online event. Ticket holders will be sent a link in advance and will have access to the event for 7 days.